i thought of the poem...
...with the line about the smoke being a huge yellow cat curling around the house.
a clownish figure, measuring out his life in coffee-spoons.
he said the idea of bondage made him laugh ;
conjured up the image of some middle-aged couple thinking they were being a bit risque
in trying to spice up their lagging sex-lives with an array of contrived and cliched devices.
morning after pill - meanwhile back in communist russia
bästa musikfyndet under indienresan
a clownish figure, measuring out his life in coffee-spoons.
he said the idea of bondage made him laugh ;
conjured up the image of some middle-aged couple thinking they were being a bit risque
in trying to spice up their lagging sex-lives with an array of contrived and cliched devices.
morning after pill - meanwhile back in communist russia
bästa musikfyndet under indienresan