i feel the morning coming over...

...but if you stay you can leave with me
i'll tell you everything i know

but there is something right with you
nevermind the end

take me away from here
somewhere we can just disappear
i'll be your morning light
if you wanna be my ride tonight
just be a shoulder for my head
all i ever ask

tei shi - nevermind the end
obsessions on a few levels...
here, there and everywhere
...and a small loss of my faith in humanity
why are people so selfish?

now the signals...

...we send are deflected again
we're still connected, but are we even friends?
reflektor - arcade fire
tillfällig obsession

and I fought through the crowd...

...guess I got too excited when I thought you were around

heart in a cage - the strokes
well I don't feel better when I'm fucking around
so don't teach me a lesson cause I've already learned
I don't want what you want I don't feel what you feel
see I'm stuck in a city but I belong in a field
I'm sorry you were thinking; I would steal your fire

sometimes i wish i could...

...lend you my ears, lend you my thought and lend you my tears

sometimes i wish i could lend you my voice, lend you my heart and lend you my choise
sometimes i hope for a savior to come, who has what it takes to convince everyone

sometimes i wish i could lend you my shoes, lend you my life and lend you my truth
sometimes the truth is just my point of view, not what is real and not what is true

blow my brains out - tikkle me

i need to build a wall around me

ännu en fin spelning i gbg kankse?
26 oktober


...but not nearly as good as the original.

Franz Ferdinand - Grimes cover - Session... by radioouifm
udda att snubbla över detta då jag haft en nostalgisk dag lyssnandes på franz och undrat över vad de gör nu för tiden

that's when i realize...

..the point of perfection
in your eyes
in your eyes - kate boy
i need to sort out my head (or heart)
det börjar bli lite väl farlig mark nu

it's your face...

...where are we?
save me
you appering - M83
jag kan vara stark!
(om jag tror, så vet jag)

sommarens ljud

The Cinematic Orchestra  - Arrival of the birds and transformation

soundtrack: default - atoms for peace

känns som en framtida prediktion (inte omöjligt snar framtida tom)

hela skivan är annars helt awesome och går på högvarv.

and I don't know...

 ...how to stop them
circumambient - grimes

the kiss you did not earn...

...discourage affection
sad eyes
sad eyes
you can't disguise sad eyes
sad eyes - crystal castles
de går så jäkla bra att plugga >_<
men skivan är helt fantastisk.
känns lite kort dock, går bara i ett nafs att lyssna igenom.
tror mars volta beroendet kommer ersättas av denna,
eller kombineras!

i'm not the percent...

...you think survives
i need sanctuary in the pages of this book
son et lumiere - the mars volta
de här är nog en ny favorti i ihopbyggda spår på en skiva.
de uppnår nästan Apocalypso -> Special -> The Zookeeper's Boy brilliansen.
jag vill mest bara ligga ner och låta varenda litet ljud ta över hela mitt jag och medvetande.
jag vill nästan sprängas i små bitar över hur bra det är.

svag så skakar mina ben...

...och flickan med TV-nerver ler
som om jag bryr mig

du är aktuell du bränns
som om jag bryr mig
jag, har alltid varit klen
så ge mig revolt I, II och III
revolt III - kent
de senaste dagarna har jag haft lite av en jag som 16:åring nostalgi
började veckan med strokes och is this it skivan och idag landade jag på denna.
hade gjort ett blandband, och då inte en blandskiva utan ett äkta blandband så att jag skulle kunde lyssna på det i min freestyle.
jag nötte de där bandet  när jag cyklade till och från mitt kommunala sommarjobb.
de nöttes medan jag rensade rabatter och städade studentkorridors tvättstugor och plockade skräp.
de nöttes jämt!
starkaste minnet från hela bandet är denna låt, stekande sol och en mördande uppförsbacke som jag vägrade gå upp för.
de var tider de!

livets spellista för tillfället

Marina & the Diamonds - Are You Satisfied!
Of Monsters and Men - Love Love Love
Zeigeist - Bunny
The Strokes - Heart in a Cage
Raveonettes - Breaking Into Cars

when i go forwards...

...you go backwards
and somewhere we will meet
electioneering - radiohead

and maybe...

...i'm a bad, bad, bad, bad person
those bright blue eyes can only meet mine across a room
filled with people that are less important than you
love love love - of monsters and men

är nog vackraste låten för tillfället

watch out for my body rolls...

...high kicks, high kicks
this is how we do it

Leslie & the LY's

hittade detta på morgonpassets hemsida.
tenta pepp! haha

i imagine you walking around in your apartment...

...kissing that self-portrait I painted and sent to you
i imagine you changing your mind after swallowing, the last thing you tasted before the big sleep got you
and it cuts me in two!

well, they're putting out flags tonight to celebrate the dead
but i'd rather do something to turn back time instead
a little late to say something, i know. but what the hell am I supposed to do?
when i just want to sit you down in my kitchen and you'd tell me what it was
'cos the last time we met, it was like the whole world was exploding
riding elevators through that endless red brick building on a day so pretty you'd think we were all only joking
putting on a show that would give us an oscar!

divine - david & the citizens

jag har lite tråkigt, ska nog kanske gå och lägga mig egentligen...men...äh!

1. put your music player on shuffle.
2. press forward for each question.
3. use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn’t make sense. NO CHEATING!

1. how are you feeling today?
the stamen of the shaman (shpongle)

2. will you get far in life?
muscle museum (muse)

3. how do your friends see you?
illuminate my heart, my darling! (yndi halda)

4. will you get married?
boys (röyksopp)

5. what is your life’s theme song?
the end of the beginning (god is an astronaut)

6. what is the story of your life?
in space (röyksopp)

7. what was high school like?
taijin kyofusho (the evpatoria report)

8. how can you get ahead in life?
alpha male (röyksopp)

9. what is tomorrow going to be like?
map of the problematique (muse)

10. what is the best thing about your friends?
remembrance (god is an astronaut)

11. what is in store for the next weekend?
teardrop (massive attack)

12. what song best describes you?
dead to the world (röyksopp)

13. how is your life going?
loneliness (ed harcourt)

14. what song will play at your funeral?
nobody noticed the fire (september malevolence)

15. how does the world see you?
hanging with the wrong crowd (ed harcourt)

16. will you have a happy life?
beneath the heart of darkness (ed harcourt)

17. what do your friends really think of you?
touched (my bloody valentine)

18. what song describes the person you’re attracted to?
fragile (god is an astronaut)

19. what message would you like to tell the next generation?
optimal region selector (the evpatoria report)

20. do you have a deep dark secret?
beaufort 9, and rising (september malevolence)

21. do people secretly lust after me?
40 years back-come (röyksopp)

22. how can I make myself happy?
royksopp's night out (röyksopp)

23. will I ever have children?

great escape (moby)

24. what’s some good advice for me?
antennas to heaven (godspeed you! black emperor)

25. how will I be remembered?
glittering blackness (explosions in the sky)

26. what is my signature dance song?
what else is there (röyksopp)

och vad drar vi för slutsatts av det här..?
jo väldigt mycket röyksopp


sen säger jag som hanna,
de/den som läser får gärna säga hej eller nått sådant.
skulle vara lite kul att veta vem/vilka som läser.
amelia vet jag ju redan, men du får gärna säga hej ändå <3


för övrig/btw jag bara älskar the evpatoria report!!
varför har de inte gjort fler skivor..?!